Sunday, March 21, 2010

Walters Center Art Show

Had a great time with that show!!  Now looking forward to go painting outside,  Plein Aire.  The weather is getting better.  Join me there!! 
Check out my web


Mona Diane Conner said...

What a wonderful picture of you at your show with two gorgeous works of art!! Congratulations on pulling all of this together, and wish I could have been there to see it in person Jim.

James F. Smith said...

Thanks a bunch, Mona!! Nice to hear from you. It was a winner with that show. Sales were not the best but was not "skunked". Classes have been doing ok right now. Will people seeing my work did help.
Lets just keep on painting!! Thanks again.

Beverly Gurganus said...

Congratulations on your show...enjoy painting outside! Looking forward to seeing those paintings.

Unknown said...

Great photo of you and your incredible work. Glad you enjoyed the show.

Ready to join your outside paintings. Look forward to seeing your work.

James F. Smith said...

Thanks Beverly and Dors!! Nice to hear from you! Lets paint some place!! Have a great day!
JI m

John Healey said...

Hi Jim,

Your paintings are amazing! I wish I could have been at your show to see them in person. The good plein aire weather should be right around the corner. I'm sure you are anxious to get out and paint. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.


James F. Smith said...

Will get busy soon. Will put a few in when I have finished the work. Mean while, LETS PAINT!!