Monday, November 30, 2009

Winter Stream


3" x 4"  Acrylic

Need to put more light in the painting.  It is lighter than the image you see.


Pat Koscienski said...

I like it as it is, James. I can see & feel the ice in the foreground, and that darkness directs my eye right back to that little spot of warm light.

James F. Smith said...

Thanks Pat! Will leave it the way it is. Will try to get a better picture let time!!

pattrsnd said...

Beautiful work James! Thanks for dropping by my blog and commenting!

Barbara A. Freeman said...

Burrrr, Jim! I love your color choices and the great detail in the front tree!

James F. Smith said...

Thanks for swinging by my blog. Thanks David and Barbara for the post.
The next piece will be a miniature boat. The biggest challenge I have ever done!! SMALL LINES!!! Will see how it turns out.

James F. Smith said...
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Studio Yaahl said...

James, this is just lovely. Everytime I see one of your new pieces, I take out a penny to remind myself just how detailed you are in your miniatures. This would lovely on one of our stamps.

Cheers, Bell

Ann Buckner said...

Beautifully painted, James. So much information in so little space. You have my admiration.

James F. Smith said...

Bell and Ann-
Happy to see you into my blog.
Miniature is always a fun thing to work with. Challenging but fun!! The acrylic is always the best to work with. Going to go back to mixable oil this time.